Rahu is the real King.

Rahu is the real  King. 

Astrology without Rahu is nothing.

Rahu is the ruling planet of all planets

Rahu is the cause of all human ups and downs

Rahu is a powerful planet.

Let’s see where Rahu is placed and will give yoga.

If one identifies the hidden place of yoga in one’s horoscope, one can get a clear understanding of one’s future.

Looking at it that way, the three houses in one’s horoscope, namely Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries are the houses that indicate the highest point of one’s life.

In one’s horoscope, these yoga houses should be in some way connected.

Such people somehow reach the highest level easily.

Rahu in conjunction with the houses Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries never fails to give excellent results.

If the other planets in conjunction with the houses Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries are of normal strength, moderate progress is obtained.

If other planets are in exaltation with houses like Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries, progress will be achieved very fast.

The strength of the planets associated with the houses of Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries gets the greatest strength of Rahu.

It means  that the next 6 houses from the house occupied by Rahu get great strength.

That is, the planet placed in the next house of Rahu, which is strong and is placed in the house of Aquarius, Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries, gains great strength.

To be clear, a planet placed in the next 6 houses of Rahu gains great strength.

 A planet occupying the next 6 houses of Rahu gets great strength if it is exalted or in Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga or if it has any yoga.

Now let us take an example horoscope and see how these yogas work.

Abdul Kalam was an atomic scientist.

He was born in Cancer Ascendant.

Jupiter in Cancer.

Mercury Ketu Sun in  Virgo 

Venus and Mars in Libra

Moon in Scorpio, Saturn in Sagittarius, Rahu in Pisces

Let us first see how the most important houses in one’s horoscope, Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries, have helped him.

Rahu is in Pisces in his horoscope. A wonderful yoga system

Saturn has a connection with Aquarius in his horoscope.

In his horoscope, Pisce’s house is aspected by the four planets Mercury, Ketu Sun, and Jupiter.

In his horoscope, Aries’s house is aspects by Mars, and Venus.

All the planets except the moon are connected with the yoga houses of astrology, namely Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries.

In particular,  Rahu in Pisces is a wonderful place.

Jupiter’s placement in Cancer, one of the houses ruled by Rahu, is also a wonderful formation.

It is also wonderful yoga to say that Jupiter has a connection with Pisces and Rahu. 

One cannot ignore that Jupiter and Mercury have a connection with Pisces and Rahu is an excellent one.

He got world fame because he has two supreme planets i.e. Jupiter and Mercury  in connection with Rahu who is in Pisces.

It is true to say that  Rahu is a noble king.

Rahu thinks that the birth chart  will become a King chart.

One cannot neglect Rahu in  Astrology.  Rahu will decide one’s Rajayoga in his life.

Rahu is a real king

Rahu proposes, and the other planet decides on one”s position.

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