Reverse Yoga is an excellent yoga.
Astrology research delivers a lot of yogas and yogas make every to surprise.
You know that there are three parts to houses as follows:
Sara Lagna
Sthra Lagna
Ubaya Lagna
Sara Lagna Aries Cancer Libra Capricorn
Sthra Lagna Taurus Leo Scorpio Aquarius
Ubaya Lagna Gemini Virgo Sagittarius Pisces.
Phatak houses are as follows:
Sara Lagna the 11th house
Sthra Lagna the 9th house
Ubaya Lagna the 7th house
In details-
Aries Phatak’s house is Aquarius
Cancer Phatak house is Taurus
Libra Phatak’s house is Leo
Capricorn Phatak’s house is Scorpio
Taurus Phatak’s house is Capricorn
Leo Phatak house is Aries
Scorpio Phatak’s house is Cancer
Aquarius Phatak’s house is Libra
Gemini Phatak’s house is Sagittarius
Virgo Phatak house is Pisces
Sagittarius Phatak’s house is Gemini
Pisces Phatak’s house is Virgo.
Group 1:
The Phata houses have a rectangular chain connection as follows:
In this group, the Lagnas Aries Aquarius Libra, and Leo form a rectangular shape.
In this rectangular shape, the connected Planets will deliver good yoga. Is it a bad Planet, that will also deliver reverse yoga? Yes, Good Planets give bad yoga. Bad Planets give good yoga.
Group 2:
The Phatak houses have a rectangular chain connection as follows:
In this group, the Lagnas Taurs Capricorn Scorpio, and Cancer form a rectangular shape.
In this rectangular shape, the connected Planets will deliver good yoga. Is it a bad Planet, that will also deliver reverse yoga? Yes, Good Planets give bad yoga. Bad Planets give good yoga.
Group 3:
In this group, the Lagnas Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces form a rectangular shape.
This is a narrow line between the houses. Is it a bad Planet, that will also deliver reverse yoga? Yes, Good Planets give bad yoga. Bad Planets give good yoga
See an example:
Sharad Pawar Maharashtra
During Rahu Dasa, he entered politics. Rahu in Virgo. Rahu act like Mercury. So the Mercury in Scorpio in the Group 2 Reverse Yoga.
Pawar was born with Scorpio and Mercury the lord of the 8th and the 11th house.
Mercury with the 10th lord.
So in Rahu Dasa, he entered into Political and gain continuous victory throughout the Rahu Dasa.
The Bad Planets gives Raja yoga.
During Jupiter Dasa, Mercury’s sub-period he became Defence Miniter. But during Jupiter-Venus in reverse yoga pushing him as Maharashtra Chief Miniter.
Jupiter and Venus are enemies.
But in reverse yoga, Jupiter-Venus is a powerful man.
He was born with Libra Lagna.
Venus is the 8th and the 1st lord is a bad Planet.
There will be good reverse yoga from group 2 rectangular.
During the Rahu Dasa Ketu sub-period, he became the Prime Miniter of India but was not able to sustain himself due to Rahu Ketu in narrow lines in rectangular.
For Libra during Venus Dasa, he again became the Prime Minister of India and manage to continue with the help of Reverse yoga from Venus.
Reverse Yoga is an excellent yoga. No one imagines their life in what direction it is going. The Reverse Yoga decides, the man gets excellent opportunities in their field.