Yogas in different kinds and different combinations.

There will be a different kind of  Yoga, we can’t find anywhere, any birth charts.

That kind of Yoga is found in the Hemamalini birth chart.

It is different.

See the birth chart

She was born with Cancer Ascendant.

In the 2nd house Venus and Saturn

In the 3rd house Sun

In the 4th house Mercury and Ketu

The 2nd house Leo lord Sun in Virgo

Virgo house lord Mercury is in the 3rd house Libra

Libra lord Venus in the 2nd house Leo

So the Planets Sun, Venus, and Mercury mutually exchange their house.

This is Triangle Parivarthana Yoga

This is perfect yoga. The Yoga formed in the Konas also.

She was an early age, entered in cine field. 

During Saturn Dasa, She acted in the film.

In triangle Parivanthana Yoga the Planets Saturn Mercury and Sun are involved. 

Moon in Pisces is the 9th house for Cancer Ascendants.

The Yoga Planets Venus Saturn in the 6th from Moon creates Adhi Yoga

The Yoga Planets Sun in the 7th from Moon creates Adhi Yoga

The Yoga Planets Mercury in the 8th from Moon creates Adhi Yoga.

The Adi Yoga and Triangle Parivarthana Yoga create Maha Yoga.

Venus and Saturn combination are very good.

Venus and Saturn combination in Leo is very very good.

Venus and Saturn combination in Adi Yoga is Superb

Venus and Saturn combination in Triangle Parivarthana Yoga is excellent.

Venus and Saturn combination are in the 10th house from the Ruchaga Yoga Mars.

Venus and Saturn combination aspected by Jupiter.

In this birth chart, the Yogas perfectly cooperated with all other Planets and create Maha Yoga.

This is one of the notable birth charts for research work in the field of Astrology.

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