Fall in love. Faith in love marriage. No fear left the parents.
This is one kind of action in human life.
Parents love children. Parents dream about children.
But they love another person than their parents.
Where is the wrong thing?
See the Female birth chart
She did secret marriage and left the house.
Is this her mistake?
No. the Planets and Karma routed her life.
How the Planets and Karma routed her life?
The love marriage ascertains from the 5th and the 7th house and its lords.
The person who decides to leave the house can be ascertained from 3rd house.
The love marriage success can be gathered from the 11th house.
She was born with Libra.
In the 7th house in Aries, the 3rd house lord Jupiter posited an unwelcome position.
The 7th house lord Mars in the 11th house perfectly planned a love marriage.
The 7th lord Mars with Mercury creates love.
This Mars and Mercury combination in Leo, which is Phatak house for Libra. So this is not admissible love from Parents.
The 5th house lord Saturn in Scorpio and aspected the 7th house lord Mars and Mercury. So the love success is confirmed.
Libra Lagna.
The 4th house indicates mother.
The 4th house lord Saturn posited in Phatak house from the 4th house. So She declined her mother.
The 9th house lord Mercury.
Mercury aspected by the Phatak lord Jupiter from the 7th place clearly indicate left the father due to marriage. Further, the 12th lord from Mercury is Moon, and posited in the 9th place also strengthens the position.
The Bad Past Karma Planets are Venus and Sun.
The Karma Planet Sun conjoined with the 7th lord Mars and Mercury reported that this previous birth link continues. The Aries is the Phatak house for Leo. So no one accepts the marriage.
The other Karma Planet Venus house is Taurus and its lord is Saturn posited in Scorpio. From Scorpio, Venus is in Phatak’s house.
So the situation is very critical and the marriage is decided by the Karma Planets.