Arthanareeswara Yoga.

It is different. It is new. You never read this yoga. You never heard of this yoga.

Arthanareeswara Yoga.

In Astrology, there are 12 houses.

1 3 5 7 9 11  houses will be Male houses

2 4 6 8 10 12 houses will be Female houses

In detail-

Male houses: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius

Female houses: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn,  and Pisces.

The Planets are also classified as follows:

Male Planets:  Sun, Mars, Jupiter

Female Planets: Venus, Moon

Male and Female combined: Saturn, Mercury, 

What is Arthanareeswar Yoga?

Male Planets in Female houses will be created for this yoga.

Female Planets in Male houses will be created for this yoga.

This kind of Arthanareeswar Yoga shines well if this is within the frame of the Male part or Female part of houses.

In detail, for Males this Yoga fit in the part of Female part it is good. For Females this Yoga fit in the part of the Male it is good.

Example 1:

M.S. Subbulakshmi

Male Planets in Female houses

Sun in Virgo

Saturn and Mercury are dual Planets 

Female Planets in Male houses

Moon in Aries

Male Planets in Male house

Mars in Libra

Female Planets in Female Houses

Venus in Cancer

Air Rasi lords Mercury Venus and Saturn are powerful.

The 10th house lord Moon in Male Rasi is good

These happen in the Male Part of the birth chart. She enjoyed the Arthanareeshwar yoga.

Example 2:


Male Planets in Female houses

Jupiter in Pisces

Sun in Cancer

Mars in Virgo

Saturn dual Planet

Female Planets in Male houses

Mercury dual Planet

Female Planets in Female Houses

Moon in Taurus

Venus in Cancer

The 10th house lord Mars in Fema Rasi is good

These happen in the Male Part of the birth chart. She enjoyed the Arthanareeshwar yoga.

Example 3:


Male Planets in Female houses

Jupiter in Cancer

Sun in Virgo

Mars in Virgo

Saturn dual Planet in Taurus

Mercury dual Planet in Virgo

Female Planets in Male houses

Moon in Libra

Female Planets in Female Houses

Venus in Virgo

The 10th house lord Mars in Female Rasi is good

These happen in the Male Part of the birth chart. She enjoyed the Arthanareeshwar yoga.

Example 4:


Male Planets in Female houses

Jupiter in Capricorn

Mars in Taurus

Female Planets in Male houses

Moon in Sagittarius

Saturn dual in Leo

Male Planets in Male Houses

Sun in Gemini

Dual Mercury in Gemini

Female Planets in Female Houses

Venus in Cancer

The 10th house Male house lord Venus in Female Rasi is good

These happen in the Male Part of the birth chart. He enjoyed the Arthanareeshwar yoga.

This is superb yoga and will give study improvement in life.

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