What is Karma Astrology Lesson 8

Karma is two types.

One – Good Karma

Two – Bad Karma

Who are the Bad Karma for your Lagna?

Aries – Saturn and Mars

Taurus – Jupiter

Gemini – Mars and Saturn

Cancer – Venus and Saturn

Leo – Mercury and Jupiter

Virgo – Moon and Mars

Libra – Sun – Venus

Scorpio – Mercury 

Sagittarius – Venus and Moon

Capricorn – Mars and Sun

Aquarius – Jupiter and Mercury

Pisces – Saturn and Venus

When compared to Good Karma, Bad Karma is sensitive.

So we first see the Bad Karma.

Aries: Bad Past Karma Planet Saturn is very strong than Mars. Saturn owned two houses. The 10th house is Capricorn and the 11th house is Aquarius. So the Karma Planet is basic quality related to Profession, Income, and Elders. If Saturn is very strong, Karma is also very strong.  If Saturn is very weak, Karma is also very weak.  Saturn is a place in any house where related problems will arise. If Mars and Saturn have a connection in any way there will be heavy Karma.

Taurus: Bad Past Karma Planet is Jupiter. Jupiter owned two houses. The 8h house is Sagittarius and the 11th house is Pisces. The two Bad Past Karma delivers from Jupiter. So the Karma Planet is essential quality related to Health issues, Income, and Elders.  If Jupiter is firm, Karma is also very strong.  If Jupiter is very weak, Karma is also very weak.   Jupiter is a place in any house where related problems will arise. 

Gemini: Bad Past Karma Planet is Saturn and Mars. Both Mars and Saturn are very dangerous Karma. Mars owned two houses. The 6h house is Scorpio and the 11th house is Aries. Saturn owned two houses on the 8th and the 9th.  But Mars is a very dangerous Karma for Gemini. So the Karma Planet is essential quality related to Loans and health disease, Income, and Elders.  If Mars and Saturn are firm, Karma is also very strong.   If Mars and Saturn are very weak, Karma is also very weak.  Mars and Saturn are a place in any house where related problems will arise. 

Cancer: Bad Past Karma Planet is Venus and Saturn.  Saturn owned two houses. The 7h house is Capricorn and the 8th house is Aquarius. Venus owned two houses the 5th and the 11th.  Venus and Saturn own Present Karma and Past Karma. So both Planets will be dangerous.  So the Karma Planet is essential quality related to Children, Life Partners, Health issues, Income, and Elders.  If Saturn and Venus are very strong, Karma is also very strong.   If Saturn and Venus are very weak, Karma is also very weak.  Venus and Saturn are placed in any house where related problems will arise.

Leo: Bad Past Karma Planet is Jupiter and Mercury.  Jupiter owned two houses. The 5h house is Sagittarius and the 8th house is Pisces. Mercury owned two houses the 2nd and the 11th.  Jupiter and Mercury own Past Good Karma and Past Bad Karma. So both Planets will be neutral.  So the Karma Planet is basic quality related to Children, Families, Finance, Health issues, Income, and Elders.  If Jupiter and Mercury are firm, Karma is also very strong.  If Jupiter and Mercury are very weak, Karma is also very weak.   Jupiter and Mercury are placed in any house where related problems will arise.

Virgo: Bad Past Karma Planet is Mars and Moon.  Mars owned two houses. The 3h house is Scorpio and the 8th house is Aries. Moon owned Cancer, the 11th.  Mars is very dangerous Bad Karma. So the Karma Planet is essential quality related to Brothers and Sisters,  Health issues, Income, and Elder Females.  If Mars and Moon are firm, Karma is also very strong.  If Mars and Moon are very weak, Karma is also very weak.  Mars and Moon are placed in any house where related problems will arise. 

Libra: Bad Past Karma Planet is Sun and Venus.  Sun owned one house.  Venus owned two houses the 8th house is Taurus and the 1st house is Libra. Sun is very dangerous Bad Karmab than Venus. So the Karma Planet is essential quality related to  Health issues, Mental worries, Income, and Elder males.  If Venus and Sun are very strong, Karma is also very strong.  If Venus and Sunn are very weak, Karma is also very weak.  Venus and Sun are placed in any house where related problems will arise. 

Scorpio: Bad Past Karma Planet is Mercury. Mercury owned two houses. The 8h house is Gemini and the 11th house is Virgo. The two Bad Past Karma delivers from Mercury. Mercury is a very dangerous Karma. So the Karma Planet is basic quality related to Education, Higher studies, Health issues, Income, and Elders.  If Mercury is firm, Karma is also very strong.  If Mercury is very weak, Karma is also very weak.   Mercury is a place in any house where related problems will arise. 

Sagittarius: Bad Past Karma Planet is Venus and Moon.  Venus  owned two houses. The 6h house is Taurus and the 11th house is Libra. Moon owned Cancer the 8th house.  So both Planets will be dangerous.  So the Karma Planet is basic quality related to loan diseases, Health issues, Income, and Elders.  If Moon and Venus are firm, Karma is also very strong.   If Moon and Venus are very weak, Karma is also very weak.  Venus and Moon are placed in any house where related problems will arise. 

Capricorn: Bad Past Karma Planet is Sun and Mars. Mars is very strong than Sun. Mars owned two houses. The 4h house is Aries and the 11th house is Scorpio. Sun owned Leo, the 8th. Mars is a very dangerous Karma for Capricorn. So the Karma Planet is basic quality related to Houses Vehicles Travel, Government issues, health disease, Income, and Elders.  If Mars is firm, Karma is also very strong.   If Mars is very weak, Karma is also very weak.  Mars and Sun are a place in any house where related problems will arise. 

Aquarius: Bad Past Karma Planet is Jupiter and Mercury.  Mercury owned two houses. The 5h house is Gemini and the 8th house is Virgo. Jupiter owned two houses the 2nd and the 11th.  Jupiter and Mercury own Past Good Karma and Past Bad Karma. So both Planets will be neutral.  So the Karma Planet is basic quality related to Children, Families, Finance, Health issues, Income, and Elders.  If Jupiter and Mercury are firm, Karma is also very strong.  If Jupiter and Mercury are very weak, Karma is also very weak.   Jupiter and Mercury are placed in any house where related problems will arise.

Pisces:  Bad Past Karma Planet is Venus and Saturn.  Saturn owned two houses. The 11h house is Capricorn and the 12th house is Aquarius. Venus owned two houses the 3rd and the 8th.  Venus is very dangerous Karma 

than Saturn.  So the Karma Planet is basic quality related to Younger brothers and sisters,  Health issues, Income, Elders, and unexpected losses.  If Saturn and Venus are very strong, Karma is also very strong.   If Saturn and Venus are very weak, Karma is also very weak.  Venus and Saturn are placed in any house where related problems will arise. 


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