Education is a fundamental rule for one’s future and study growth.

Some drop their education in the early stage.

Some drop their education in the middle stage.

Some drop their education in the higher stage

Some drop their higher studies due to some reasons.

What are the conditions for the struggling education?

Early education can be ascertained from 2nd house

Middle education can be  ascertained from 4th house

Higher education can be  ascertained from the 5th house

Study improvement can be  ascertained from the 9th house

Higher studies like Doctorate and another course from 11th house.

We now discuss some of the birth charts who failed in education.


2nd house weaker case

Chart 1:

Education stopped in early

The person born in Capricorn. 2nd house is occupied by Mars and Saturn.

The Phatak lord for Capricorn is Mars.

Saturn and Mars conjoined in the 2nd house. Saturn and, Mars combination found in any house will give a lot of problems.

Here as a Phatak lord Mars, Saturn’s conjunction destroys early education.

5th house weaker case

Chart 2:

Education stopped in the middle

The person born in Virgo. 5th house is occupied by Mars and Venus.

The Phatak lord for Virgo is Jupiter.

In the 5th house Virgo enemy Mars with the exalted condition.

In 2nd house, Jupiter slows down education. In the 5th house, Mars stops education.

Planets Jupiter and Mars are the reason for the drop in education in the middle.

4-5-9-11th house weaker case

Chart 3:

Education stopped in the middle

The person born in Virgo. 

4th house is occupied by 3-8th house lord Mars.

The 5th house aspected by 6th lord Saturn.

The 9th house aspected by 6th lord Saturn.

The 11th Lord Moon in the Phatak house.

The 11th house aspected by 3-8th house lord Mars.

In 2nd house, Ketu posits is unfavour,but Jupiter aspected 2nd house and given green signal to continue education in early stage.

So the education is strugled due to unfavour and lesser strength of education indicaating Planets and houses.

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